Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Three things meme...
I got tagged by Michelle at Shell's Life.

Feel free to play along, just let me know so I can visit & read your replies!

3 things that....

Fascinate me:
1. My children
2. Mother Nature
3. My Heritage

Inspire me:
1. My children
2. My DH
3. SB & RS Magazines

Anger me:
1. Politicians
2. Child abuse
3. My illness

Delight Me:
1. My children
2. Cards received in the mail
3. Packages in the mail

Frighten me:
1. Something happening to my children
2. Something happening to DH
3. Electricity

3. Relaxes me:
1. A massage from DH
2. A hot bath
3. A glass of wine


Hafeeza said...

Great answers!!!

Michelle Quinno said...

Hey, thanks for playing.

Hope you're starting to feel better. I'm thinking of you!! Hugs!