Sunday, March 9, 2008

Free Soap & a free $50 Visa gift card

For those following my challenge to see what I can get for FREE for the month, here's my fist report. I had a very successful shopping week. I now have enough soap to last me a year or two.

Walgreens had Olay soap on sale for 2 for $4. I had a pile of $2 off coupons. So every pack I bought was FREE with coupons. There was a great bonus. For every two 2 packs I bought, I was paid $4 in register rewards. So, pay 24 cents (tax), earn $4 in register rewards. I repeated this deal, over & over.

The register rewards expired in a week, and I wasn't sure if I would be in the hospital or not. So, I took all of my register rewards & turned them into a $50 Visa gift card.. So I scored a lot of free soap & earned a $50 gift card . Not bad...for only having to pay tax.

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