Wednesday, February 27, 2008

March Challenges

I've been such a bad blogger. I just didn't have anything upbeat & fun to write about. I hope that all changes soon. I'm planning on doing 2 challenges in March..and I'm really excited about both of them.

Starting March 1st, I'm going to see how much I can get for free. I'm going to do this for the entire month, and will give you a weekly update on how I do. I can't wait to get started!

Last but certainly not least, I'm joining in Barb's "31 days of March" challenge. You can read more about the challenge by going here:

Barb will be posting promts daily, and participants have to take a photo, and or write about it or make a LO. I'm super excited to get started. I hoping this will kick start my creative juices so I can get back to scrapping. I haven't made a LO or a card in 2008. :shock:

1 comment:

Michelle Quinno said...

Yes, you have been a bad blogger (but for a good reason). ;-)

Glad you're back!