Monday, October 27, 2008

Two 'Fer

Michelle posted a Two 'Fer on her blog & I thought I'd play along.

1. Name two things you did yesterday/last night.
I did some scrapbooking & went to CVS.

2. What are two of your current favorite foods?
Anything warm & comforting since I'm already freezing & it's not even winter yet. I'm also a big fan of Mexican & Chinese food.

3. List two things you are looking forward to.
I'm actually looking forward to my surgery tomorrow, since I'm tired of being in pain. I'm also looking forward to working on some pages (imagine that!).

4. Name two things you fear.

I fear something terrible will happen to my boys.  I also fear I'll die before seeing either of them get married & have a child.

5. What are your weekend plans.
I'll be recovering from surgery, so I'll just be sleeping a lot.

1 comment:

Michelle Quinno said...

Thanks for playing along, Kimi! I didn't realize you had to go in again! Not sure when this was posted but I'm hoping you are feeling better real soon!