Monday, October 27, 2008

Greenwell Scrapbooking Retreat

I had a blast at the Greenwell 3 day crop. I was thrilled to get out of the house & mingle with friends. That alone was worth paying for.

I also made several pages, so I was tickled pink. I haven't been creative all year. My mojo left & I was afraid I wouldn't get it back. I'm now super charged & ready to do more pages & try my hand at card making again.

The food was awesome (ladies, you need to share those recipes). The lodge was really nice, and sits in a lovely setting. Then Jen had some games & prizes to top off the already fabulous time every one was having. It was a total blast & I'm so grateful to Jen, Angela & Mandy for organizing every thing. You ladies rock!

1 comment:

Michelle Quinno said...

Yay, Kimi! I'm so glad you were able to go and finally scrap! That's fantastic!