Monday, June 2, 2008

Get Well Cards

I received the nicest get well cards, from my SBA friends. I was so surprised. Each one is like a giant hug, making me feel warm & fuzzy inside...especially on days like this.

Thank you Polly, Cheri, Michelle, Nancy, LeAnne, Dorthy, Judy, Sharon, Amanda & Maia (loved the origami swan). I also received a card from my cousin Carol & my second cousin Shannon. Your cards were all so nice & will be cherished. I'll add them to my card album. They really made my day much brighter. When I'm feeling really bad & depressed, I look at all the cards I've received since I've been sick & it really lifts my spirits. Thank you again.


Michelle Quinno said...

Hope you get lots more cards, Kimi!

I'm sorry those tubes are giving you such a hard time.

You're in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there!!

Michelle Quinno said...

p.s. on a good note, thanks for the free panty link. I got two pairs so far, my mom got two, my aunt got one and her friend as well. We are all happy with our new panties! LOL